Ivy Jade Brazzell

June 4, 2020 / 3:06am

7lbs 6oz / 20 inches

I’m writing this day 4 postpartum, and I really don’t even know where to begin. Ivy’s journey to the world has been a wild ride from the very beginning, but it has also been our best birth experience yet! Here’s her story. . .

I look back and wonder how did I find the time to research birth like I did with Ivy’s pregnancy when I was chasing around 2 little toddlers, but somehow I did! About half way through the pregnancy, I realized I wanted a much different experience than what I had with Eden and Knox. I had an epidural with both, and Knox was induced. While their stories are unique and precious to me, I wanted a more natural approach this time. As I read and researched, I decided the best place to start would be to find a doula. God led us to Katie Ferguson. It only took us a few moments talking with her to know that a natural birth was definitely what we wanted this time, and that she was the perfect person to add to our team!

Fast forward to week 30 of pregnancy (mid-March)- This is when the world began to turn upside down. News of COVID-19 took over the headlines and began changing hospital policies drastically. We had no idea how long things would be in such an upheaval, but there were so many uncertainties that we began to question the decision to give birth at the hospital. I have several friends who have done home births. Sim and I actually discussed it briefly when we first decided to do a natural birth, but Simeon was very opposed to the idea. The virus caused us to rethink everything, and we began praying earnestly for God’s guidance and direction. I asked the Lord that He would guide my heart and Sim’s heart to the same direction. I began feeling like a home birth was the best option for us. After a week of prayer, Sim and I talked, and he said on his own that he felt like a home birth was the route the Lord was leading us to go and he had complete peace with that decision. I took that as my confirmation from the Lord that this was indeed His will.

Week 32 of pregnancy we switched from my OB doctor to Roots and Wings Midwifery. Once again, God was so faithful in guiding us to another essential part of our birth team.

Now for the best part- her arrival! My due date was June 6th. About 2 weeks before, my midwives told me that Ivy had dropped and that it could be any day. I walked every day, bounced on a birth ball, visited the chiropractor weekly, did squats and pelvic tilts. . . basically everything I could do to get Ivy and I ready for delivery. Days came and went with only sporadic Braxton Hicks contractions.

Wenesday, June 3rd I felt great! I saw the chiropractor, had a pool day with the kids, took a walk late that evening, got a shower, and settled into bed by 10pm.

1:00am- I woke up with uncomfortable cramping. It continued for the next 30 minutes, so I began to think that this was the beginning of our labor journey. I woke Simeon up and had him start to gather things for the kids while I got ready a bit.

1:40am- Contractions started getting stronger, more painful and closer together. They were coming about every 3 minutes and lasting for 1 minute.

2:00am- I never imagined that I’d be a screamer as I labored, but out of no where, the contractions were so painful I could do nothing but get on my hands and knees and scream.

2:15am- I only had 2 minutes between contractions now, and the only way I could cope with them was to push when I had them. We knew we had to start calling people (hindsight is 20/20, but we should’ve never waited so long to call!!) Sim helped me tag team calling the midwife, my doula, our parents, and my sis-in-law because I had such a brief time in between contractions where I could talk.

2:40am- Savannah, my sis-in-law, arrived first and took Eden and Knox. My mother-in-law, Roxanne, was next to arrive. She came right when I was in the middle of a painful contraction, and she ran in and started rubbing my back and helping me through it. A few minutes later, Rebekah, my midwife arrived. She began setting things up. Katie, my doula, arrived and was immediately at my side helping me breathe. We were supposed to have a birth pool, and I noticed no one was getting it ready. I asked Rebekah about it, and she said, “Honey, we don’t have time. You’re about to have a baby!” Ivy arrived only minutes after this!  I was on my hands and knees beside my bed. They gave me a birth ball to lean on. Simeon was amazing through it all! He sat beside me and let me almost break his fingers from squeezing his hand so hard!

3:06am- It took 2 pushes to get Ivy’s head out, and with one more push, her little body came out. It was the most intense pain I have ever experienced, but it was over so quickly and instant relief came. Ivy was here, and she was perfect! She came out so clean and beautiful. They moved her and I to our bed. Sim lied down beside us, and we cuddled our precious baby girl.