No Higher Calling Podcast

Christmas Conversations

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus


There is a scarlet cord woven throughout all Scripture. God had a plan for the redemption of mankind. His plan was Jesus Christ. For centuries, women wondered if they would be chosen to be the mother of the promised Redeemer. Out of the pages of history, God chose Mary to have that honored privilege. 

Jesus Christ has come and paid the price for our sins. He fufilled all the longings of man’s heart. That is why we celebrate Christmas! But He is coming again! Come thou long expected Jesus!

Scriptures Referenced:

Deuteronomy 18:15; Isaiah 7:14; Malachi 3:1; Micah 5:2; John 1:41; 4:25-26; 14:6; Acts 2:38

From the Manger to the Cross


Come on a journey with me as we follow Mary and her ponderings as she considers God’s plan for her Son. From the manger to the cross, we see God weaving His plan of redemption through the life of Jesus Christ. Years of expectation led to this moment in time. The Messiah had come! 

What does this mean for us? How can we ponder on these things and keep them in our hearts?

Scriptures Referenced:

Luke 2:1-19, 41-52; 23:33, 44-46; John 19:26-27

NHC Family~ What To Do About Santa


Many parents struggle with the question, “What do we do about Santa?” As Christians, we desire to have a holiday that is centered on Christ, yet secularism entices our focus in another direction. 

Simeon joins me to talk through this topic as we share what we’ve come to as a family. You’ll also enjoy some fun rabbit trails as we share what it’s like to celebrate Christmas in Australia!

The Weary World Rejoices


“A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,”

There are many things in this life that make us weary. Yet we, as Christians, have the hope of the Lord Jesus Christ! In the midst of our weariness, we delight in the hope that He gives. This is a hope that passes all understanding. It brings a deep peace, contentment, and joy unlike anything else in this world.

Isreal was weary of waiting for the hope of the coming Messiah. Christ was the fufillment of all Old Testament prophesy. He came not just to be born in a manger, but to die on a cross so that sinful mankind can be reconciled to God. That truth alone brings such hope!

Whatever brings weariness to your heart, may this Christmas message fill you with a thrill of hope and give you reason to rejoice.

Scriptures Referenced:

Psalm 122:6

Proverbs 4:18

Tis the Season for Christmas Traditions


Christmastime brings on all the fun traditions and sweet memories! One of the most enjoyable things for me as a mother is making holidays extra special for my family. This year looks a bit different than previous years because it is our first Christmas in Australia. In this episode, I share some of our traditions that have stood the test of time and several new ones we will start this year.

Holiday Hospitality


If you’ve been following me for very long, you’ll know that hospitality is something I’m passionate about. We have seen the impact of obeying God’s Word in this area again and again. I have shared many episodes on this topic, but in this episode, we address extending hospitality in the holiday season. 

It can feel daunting to extend hospitality in the Christmas season with all the busyness that time of year brings. But the holidays provide a wonderful opportunity to use hospitality as an avenue to share the gospel with those God’s placed in our realm of influence. I give the challenge determine to minister in this way, and I share various ways that your family can engage in holiday hospitality. 

The Greatest Gift We Can Give Our Children


“Mary gave her baby a beautiful gift. Mary gave the Christ-child a mother who pondered in her heart the purposes of God, who found her part in those purposes, and then who determined to raise her child to continue to fulfill His purpose.”

During the holiday season, there are so many pressures to make perfect memories and give perfect gifts. In this episode, let’s refocus. What really is the greatest gift a mother can give her children? That gift is a mother who’s heart is completely captivated by Christ. Step away from the busyness of life and ponder in your heart how you can give a gift that will keep giving for generations to come!

Our Christmas Traditions


Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I love making it special for my family. Over the years, we have been developing our Christmas traditions. Now that our kids are getting a little older, it is so fun to watch them get excited about our annual festivities. I share some of our favorite traditions on this episode.

A Christ-Centered Christmas


The Christmas season brings so many distractions. I think I’d be safe to assume that we’ve all had Decembers where we end the month exhausted, overwhelmed, and so happy that all the hype is over. I know I’ve had years like that! The older my kids get, the more intentional I have to be to guard our hearts and homes from being consumed with things that are secondary. I love every tradition, celebration, party, and so on, but where does the emphasis of Christmas really lie?

In this episode, I share ways that God has helped me, as the homemaker, keep Christ the center of our home during Christmas. Most of what we do flows out of what we do throughout the rest of the year. If Christ hasn’t been the focal point of our home throughout the year, it will be hard to flip a switch and make Him preeminent in December. 

These are some specific ways we seek to keep Christ in His proper place in our home during Christmas, but really all throughout the year:

-Playing Christ-honoring music

-Memorizing Scripture as a family

-Studying the Bible together 

-Looking for Gospel opportunities