Parenting – No Higher Calling Encouraging women to pursue Christlikeness and equipping them to pass truth to the next generation Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:24:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Parenting – No Higher Calling 32 32 Answering Your Questions about Great Hymns for Growing Hearts Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:23:54 +0000 Answering questions about my book, Great Hymns for Growing Hearts


This book was birthed from a mother’s heart who wants her children to love truth. We could sing and learn hymns, connecting the ears and the lips. I want more than that. I want them to heart he words, have the message take deep root in their hearts, and have their lips overflow in praise from a passionate love for their Savior.

I have presented the hymns in this book to go beyond words and music. I want readers to dig into the messages of the songs and to discover more about our great God. When we explore all the aspects of truth in the words of hymns, it will enable us to worship and praise God on a deeper level. Hymn singing will become more than our lips moving in a familiar motion to a recognized tune. It will be an expression of adoration as our heart meditates on the truths learned and worships the One who embodies those truths.

After months of having this project on my heart, it is a joy to announce that it is available for purchase! You can order your copy here.

As I launched the book on social media, I received several questions about the book and it’s intended use. I wanted to be sure to address each of those so that you can glimpse the potential that this book can have as you seek to raise the next generation for Christ!


  • What is Great Hymns for Growing Hearts?

    • This book is a hymn study for parents and teachers to use great hymns of the faith to teach doctrinal truth and the character of God to children.

  • Is this a book or a resource?
    • I have written it to be a resource. This is not a book that you will read one time, and then put on a shelf. You will pour over this study time and again as you mine the truths from Scripture that these hymns present.

  • Is it curriculum for schools?
    • While we have many who are using this resource in Christian schools, it is not curriculum. There are no worksheets included. It is more of a study. It was primarily designed for home and family use, but I have provided suggestions on how to adapt it to be used in a school our group setting.

  • What Bible translation is used?
    • All Scripture is from the King James Version.

  • What part does Christ-honoring music play in the home?
    • Music is a powerful tool that can create a specific atmosphere in the home. When Christ-honoring music is played, it allows for us to have a home where beauty and truth are intricately woven into the fabric of our family.

  • What ages is this geared towards?
    • I believe that I have written this in a way that makes it adaptable to any age group, but the targeted age would be mid-elementary through high school. Depending on the age of your children, you will have to determine what portions to give more emphasis to. Young children will enjoy the stories behind the writing of the hymns. Older children will be able to have deeper discussions as you work through the Heart Application and Deeper Dive section.

  • Is this just for families?
    • No! This would be a wonderful resource for Christian schools, children’s choirs, youth groups, Sunday school classes, and more!

  • Is there a discount code for pastors or Christian school leaders placing a bulk order?
    • Yes! Email me at with your church/school name and the number of copies you need to purchase, and I can send you a discount code to use!

  • Can an adult glean from this if they are not using it to teach children?
    • Yes! This study has been so enriching to my life and walk with Christ. It has given my worship and praise a greater depth. It is written for adults to use to teach to children, so you will notice that in the style of writing, especially in the story behind the hymn and the questions in the Heart Application section. But an adult can definitely benefit from this study.

  • What hymns are included?
    • 1. Amazing Grace

    • 2. Day by Day

    • 3.Jesus Paid It All

    • 4. God Leads Us Along

    • 5. It Is Well

    • 6. Near the Cross

    • 7. Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus

    • 8. Here is Love

    • 9. Come Thou Fount

    • 10. All The Way My Savior Leads Me

    • 11. I Must Tell Jesus

    • 12. God Will Take Care of You

  • Do you offer international shipping?
    • Yes! The cost will be more than US shipping, but it is available!

  • Will this be a series?
    • We’ll see what God has in store for the future, but let’s just say I have really big dreams!!

  • How is each hymn study laid out?
    • It is intended that a week be spent studying through each hymn, so the book will give you 12 weeks worth of hymn study. Each hymn study is divided into 5 days.

      Day 1: Introduce the hymn and Scripture memory verse. Read through the words of the hymn and begin learning to sing it.

      Day 2: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Read “The Story Behind the Hymn” section.

      Day 3: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Read the “What Does This Hymn Teach Us About God?” section.

      Day 4: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Go through the Heart application sections.

      Day 5: Aim to quote the Scripture memory verse and sing the hymn from memory. Read the “Deeper Dive” section.

  • What are the different parts of the Heart Application section?
    • Question and Answer: Questions taken directly from the words of the hymn, the hymn story, and the character of God section. Each question will have a specific, easy to find answer.

    • Conversation Staters: These questions are to incite open-ended discussions. There is no right or wrong answer for these. The purpose is to get children to a higher level of thinking as they meditate on the message of the hymn through the lends of Scripture.

    • A Glimpse into God’s Word: Open your Bibles and discover truth together! I provide Scripture passages to get you started, but you will read through them and go through the Bible study questions on your own.

  • What do I hope Great Hymns for Growing Hearts will accomplish?
    • I believe that teaching hymns in the way presented in this book can have a life-changing impact on the hearts and futures of our children. As we lay a foundation of truth and a knowledge about who God, this will provide a bedrock that God can use in our children’s lives today and every day til Jesus comes!

Home Thu, 01 Apr 2021 19:24:26 +0000

“For many of us, home is where we first experience what it means to be loved. It’s where we discover the security of belonging. Homes don’t just define where we live, but in many ways, they define who we are.” -Ruth Schwenk from In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake

What ideas come to mind when you ponder on the word “home”? Is it the layout of a particular abode? Is it the sights of holiday decorations? The sound of your parents voice and your siblings laughter? The smells of your favorite homemade dishes? Is it the feel of the shag carpet beneath your feet, or perhaps the warm quilt covering your body?

Whatever your mind conjures when you think of home are likely to be the things that have impacted your senses and given you a foundational reference point in this life. Though all those things are elements that make up home for you, something deeper exists that draws our heart towards home.

God is Creator of Home

The creation of home began all the way back in Genesis 2 when God instituted the first marriage between Adam and Eve. God gets to the end of creation, looks on all that He’s made and states that it is very good. He looked at the marriage and home He’d gifted to mankind, and He called it good. Really, it was perfect. Sin had yet to rear its ugly head. This man and woman had the perfect home. God was the focal point of it. Their relationship with one another grew out of their relationship with their God. This was the birth of home as God intended.

Psalm 127:1 “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it:”

God has a Purpose for Home

Home is the place where lives are shaped. It is within those walls that character is built, lessons are learned and personalities are developed. God has designed it this way. Author Ken Ham writes in his book Will They Stand: Parenting Our Kids to Face the Giants that the purpose of a Christian home is to raise godly offspring who marry godly offspring who raise godly offspring, and so on it goes. God has designed the home to give children the first glimpse of the Gospel. As they watch mommy and daddy, two imperfect human beings, love with God’s unconditional love, forgive one another and sacrifice for one another, they see elements of the Gospel that we can then use to bring them to the Scriptures and lead them to Christ.

Satan is Waging War Against Home

Adam and Eve’s home did not stay perfect for long. Soon, sin entered causing guilt, division and separation from God. I can only image how much this delighted Satan. He loves nothing more than to take the beautiful things that God has created for man and wreak havoc upon them. Satan knew how important the home was, and he immediately sought to destroy it. That war did not end with the ruins of Adam and Eve’s home. Satan is seeking today to wreck your home, marriage and children. He knows that if he can get a foothold in your home, that will be the place that he will be able to cause the most damage. There is a spirit of anti-Christ controlling this world. The prince of the air is doing his best to make sure that every aspect of this world is against Christ. A quick glance at culture, political agendas and current issues confirm that spirit of being in complete opposition to Christ. Home is the last line of defense. Civilization is built on the lives that it is comprised of. If Satan can get victory in Christian homes, all else crumbles.

Building a Home that Glorifies Christ

Christian parents MUST be intentional about building a home that glorifies Christ! How do we accomplish that task? Dads and moms must align their hearts with God’s heart. They must immerse themselves in His Word. They must seek the Lord through Scripture and prayer. God wants us to have homes that glorify Him infinitely more than we do! He wants to enable us to have strong Christian homes. Follow Him. Serve Him. Watch Him make your home a place of true beauty and joy.

“All people need a place where their roots can grow deep and they always feel like they belong and have a loving refuge. And all people need a place that gives wings to their dreams, nurturing possibilities of who they might become.” -Sally Clarkson from The Lifegiving Home

Our Final Home

I could not write about home without touching on our eternal home. Often this world leaves us feeling restless and out of place. There is a reason for that. This world is not our home! As the song says, “we’re just a passin’ through!” While it is important to work hard to have a Christlike home, it is temporary. We are only on this earth for a little while, and then we are onto our heavenly home with Christ. As much as I love the home that God has blessed Simeon and I with, I can only imagine the one we will one day have with our Saviour! If you do not know for sure that heaven will be your home one day, please reach out to me. I would love nothing more than to share how you can know for sure that your eternal abode will be with our Creator!

Subscribe to the No Higher Calling podcast to hear Simeon and Brettnay share more on this topic in episodes 15, 16, and 17.

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For Such a Time as This Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:51:19 +0000 Esther 4:14 “For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

I’ve often felt like I was born in the wrong era. If I had my choice, I think I’d choose to have lived during the late 1950s in America. You know, the Andy Griffith days. The days when everyone knew their neighbor, when they had time to sit in rocking chairs on the front porch and sip sweet tea, and when you didn’t have to worry if your child was out riding their bike all over the town. Life was more simple. It was slower. It was safe. Towards the end of last year, I joked with my husband and said, “I no longer dream of raising a family in the 1950s. I’d settle to just go back to 2019!” The past 13 months or so has forever changed the course of the world. This is definitely not the world that I would’ve ever chosen to live in, much less raise my kids in!

These thoughts creep into my heart and mind often. When they do, I find myself sinking into despair. The Lord has so lovingly been whispering to my heart, “Oh my precious child, I have created you and your children for such a time as this.” These are the words I found when reading through the book of Esther. I’m sure the young, virgin, Jewish girl questioned what on earth did God have planned for her future? Everything was going fine, and then forces beyond her control forced her life onto a path she would’ve never have chosen for herself. Where was God in it all? Had He abandoned her? Did He care about the uncertainties and fears that plagued her mind? Though God’s name is never mentioned in the book of Esther, we see His hand guiding in every single detail. The events of Esther’s life were perfectly orchestrated by a loving Father for such a time as this.

God created Esther. He crafted her personality and strengths. As He formed her in her mother’s womb, He knew all that would happen for her to fulfill His purpose for her life. I find a truth in Esther’s life that gives me strength and hope as I am on my own life’s journey. God created me. He crafted my personality and strengths. As He formed me in my mother’s womb, He knew all that would happen for me to fulfill my His purpose for my life. Then, there’s a truth that gives my heart even more hope! God created my children. He crafted their personalities and strengths. As He formed them in my womb, He knew all that would happen for them to fulfill His purpose for their lives.

It is not mistake that I am a young mom in 2021. It is no mistake that my children are growing up during these uncertain times. Simeon and I have been reminding ourselves of this truth often recently. God, in His infinite wisdom, planned from the beginning of time that we would be raising Eden, Knox and Ivy in the midst of this crazy world. Why is that His perfect plan for our family? I don’t have an answer for that. I might not have an answer for that this side of eternity. I do know that I can trust His sovereign design. Instead of weeping about all that my children will have to face in today’s wicked world, I must be intentional and steadfast to raise them to be lights for Christ! When does light shine the brightest? It shines the brightest when it is the darkest. Maybe, just maybe, God will use my babies to accomplish something great for Him. Maybe they’ll be the Esther of today.

As I study Scripture, I realize I’m probably not the only mom to have had these feelings. What about Jacobed as she craned to see if the baby she’d just birthed was a boy or girl. Seeing it was a boy, her heart sank as she knew the life he’d face. From his earliest beginning, she had to hide his existence for fear that her precious son would be killed. Then, having no other choice, she committed that baby to her God and sent him adrift down the Nile. He was rescued. Praise God! But that also meant that he would be brought up in a godless home. Yet, she trusted that God had a plan, and what a plan He had! That little baby would grow up to become Moses, the man that God used to bring His chosen people out of bondage.

Let’s look at another mom from the Bible who had to have wondered how her child would turn out in a world gone wild. Let’s look at Hannah. Infertility had plagued her for years. To make matters worse, her husband’s other wife had many children, and she made sure Hannah knew it. Hannah pleaded with the Lord to give her a son, one that she promised to give back to Him. God answered her prayer, and Samuel was born. I have to wonder what went through Hannah’s mind as she rocked her precious gift. Finally, she had her answer to so many prayers. She knew she had promised to give him back to the Lord. It doesn’t take much reading to see the spiritual condition of Eli the priest, his sons, and the temple. The place that was supposed to be holy had been desecrated with sin. Prostitution, drunkenness and complete disregard for God’s commands were rampant. How could turning her son over to this situation be giving him back to God? She didn’t understand, but she trusted. In the midst of blatant wickedness, Samuel grew to become a strong in his faith. He was a faithful prophet who God used to turn the hearts of many towards Him.

A New Testament mama that comes to mind is Mary. The prophet Simeon told her in the first days of motherhood that a sword would pierce her soul (Luke 2:35). While it was such an honor that out of all mothers, God chose Mary to be the mother of His Son, it would not come without it’s wounds. Mary gave birth to the Saviour of the world, and almost immediately Satan began his attempt to thwart God’s plan. From Herod’s edict, to the many whispers of the questionable nature of Christ’s conception, all the way to his death on the cross, Mary had to wonder what was God doing? Why were the very people her Son came to save the ones who were seeking His destruction. Then they laid Christ in the tomb. It didn’t make sense! I’m sure that is not the story Mary would’ve written for her Son. But God was up to something amazing- something He had planned from the foundation of the world. In the midst of spiritual darkness, Christ enters the world and makes a way for all mankind to have reconciliation with God the Father.

These are all women who had a desire to raise their children for the Lord, but it seemed as though the world was taking that from them. Instead of wallowing in discouragement and pity, these women immersed their hearts in truth, placed their trust in God and gave their all to raise their children for the glory of the Lord. If those efforts were able to turn out children like Moses, Samuel and Jesus, we can have faith that they’ll do the same today. Why? Because our God never changes. The secret to the success of those mothers was that they pointed their children to God!

Take heart mama! These are days filled with opportunity and hope. God is at work in this world. Why would we work so hard to raise warriors and then despair that they have an enemy to face? Is that not what the point of all our training is? These little ones will not always be little. It’s our prayer that our little soldiers will grow to be strong warriors. Let’s trust God, gird up our loins and raise the next generation to stand like the saints of old. The God who gave Esther the courage to stand before a heathen king unannounced is the same God who will fill our children’s hearts with courage as they face a heathen world. The God who gave Moses the faith to follow Him in spite of opposition is the same God who will give our children the faith to follow Him in spite of the enemies that surround them. The God who gave Samuel the integrity and character to be righteous in the midst of perversion is the same God who will build strong character in our children that they be not derailed by wickedness and sin. The God who gave His only begotten Son to redeem the soul’s of our children is the same God who has a specific plan and purpose for them today.

Remember, when it feels as though the weights of the world are going to crush your mama heart, we and our children were created for such a time as this!

You can listen to Brettnay share more on this thought on episode 6 of the No Higher Calling podcast.

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Praying for Your Kids From Head to Toe Sat, 31 Oct 2020 06:57:00 +0000

O be careful little eyes what you see. O be careful little eyes what you see. For the Father up above is looking down in love. O be careful little eyes what you see.

There are many ways that I pray for my children, but praying for them from head to toe is one of my favorites ways to lift them up before the Lord. I usually do this at night once they’ve went to sleep. I’ll sneak into their bedrooms, kneel beside their beds, and pray for them from the top of their body down. I’ll use Eden as an example. . .

Mind: Father, I ask you to protect Eden’s mind from the confusion that is in this world. Keep her thoughts stayed on you. May she learn to cast down imaginations and think upon things that are true and lovely.

Eyes: Set a watch before her eye gate, Lord. May she seek to glorify you in all that her eyes behold. Give me wisdom as I control much of what enters her eye gate at this stage of life.

Ears: I pray that much Truth will enter through her ear gate. May she not only be a hearer of the Word, but also a doer. Protect her ears from worldly music, gossip and cricicism.

Mouth: Father, may Eden’s mouth be a avenue for truth. Whether in song or word, I pray that she will boldly speak the name of Jesus. Keep her from lying, complaining and disrespect. May every word that comes from her mouth bring you glory and praise.

Heart: I pray that Eden’s heart will fertile ground as Simeon and I plant seeds of the Gospel. May her heart be receptive to our instruction and correction. Keep rebellion and anger out. May her heart be filled with compassion for others.

Hands: Lord, use her sweet little hands to serve you. May they extend truth to a lost world. May the give love to those who are hurting. May they always be used for kindness and hospitality. I ask that many will be encouraged, blessed, loved and refreshed by the works of her hands.

Legs: Fill my Eden with strength. Help her to stand for Truth no matter what everyone else is doing. May she be courageous and unashamed to boldly follow her Saviour.

Body: Protect her body from the marks of sin and this wicked world. Keep her pure not only physically, but mentally. Help to to always remember that she has been bought with a price and her body is not her own. I pray that you’ll lead her to a husband one day who will love and cherish her.

Feet: Watch over my girl wherever she goes. No matter what paths she chooses to walk down, never let her forget that you are always with her. Use that truth in her life to comfort and convict her. May her feet be quick to move when your Spirit works in her life. I pray that her feet won’t be tied too tightly to life on this earth, but that she’ll remember that this world is a temporary dwelling.

This is just a glimpse of how I do this, and each time looks a bit different. As you might have noticed in some of the examples above, God will bring different Scriptures to mind as I pray for my children. Sometimes, they are dealing with something specific that I spend more time praying over. (Ex. mouth: struggling with lying, hands: pushing their siblings, heart: having an attitude of rebellion) This style of praying can vary depending on the day, the child and the season of life we’re in. No matter what details format my prayers, this gives a structure and focus as I pray over my kids. I hope this gives you an idea of how you can implement this type of praying for your children into your home.

Parents, our children need us to be active prayer warriors for them! The world, the flesh and the devil are doing their utmost best to win the hearts, minds, feet, hands, etc. of our children. God has entrusted them to us for a short time. During this time, we need to be intentional and diligent to protect, teach and prepare our children to stand for Christ in the midst of a faithless and perverse generation.

I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.”

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Training My Little Soldiers Tue, 08 Sep 2020 19:40:44 +0000

Ephesians 6:10-12

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Fellow believer, we are in a battle! If I didn’t believe it before 2020, I definitely believe it now. It seems that all that is true and right is under constant attack. War against the home, Biblical marriage, gender identity, race division and sanctity of life are just a few of the battles that are raging in this world. Who is the battle against? Is it us versus them? God clearly states in Ephesians 6 that the battle is a spiritual one. Satan is wreaking havoc on this world. For the time being, it is his domain, and he is doing his utmost best to destroy anything that would bring glory to God. He seeks to blind sinners and beguile Christians. He is in a continual effort of seeking to disturb our minds, deceive our hearts, and destroy our lives.

It’s time that we get our heads out of the sand and realize the battle that lies before us. Now the wonderful truth to remember is that the victory has already been won by our Lord Jesus Christ. But not all soldiers will come home. I want to be found beseeching the throne of God on behalf of my children praying that they will not become a casualty of war. Though Satan paints a pretty picture of sin and this world, he wants nothing more than to ruin the lives our our sweet babies.

I recently was at a Bible study where a mentor of mine made a thought provoking statement. She said how we, as Christian mothers, could have a tendency to shut the door of our home and make our nest the perfect little haven in a world gone wild. We have a candle burning, cookies baking, and edifying music on repeat. Meanwhile, comrades are falling prey to Satan’s attacks. And before we know it, our baby birds will be ready to fly on their own, and we’ll realize they weren’t prepared for the struggles and horrors of war.

It is our job as Christian parents to help our children grow in spiritual maturity and to be watchful for the enemy who wants to destroy them. I do not want to scare my children, but I do want them to be aware of God’s plan for their life and Satan’s desire to thwart that. I’ll never forget what another mentor of mine once told me when I asked her for parenting advice. She told me that she wished she had made her children aware at an early age that Satan wanted to destroy them. She and her husband raised their children in a wonderful Christian home and had them involved in all the church activities, but she regretted that she had not been more intentional in warning them about the devil’s devious plans for the destruction of their lives. As I said before, this doesn’t have to be presented in a way that will terrify your children. My Eden is almost 4 years old. We talk openly with her about spiritual things, and we do our best to appropriately answer her questions. We talk about how God has a special plan for her life that He created her for, but we also discuss how Satan doesn’t want to her follow God’s plan for her life. He wants her to be tricked into following sin and selfishness which results in a life that doesn’t bring glory to God. One day, the temptations my children face will be greater than playing during nap time when Mama said to rest. When that time comes, I want them to have rehearsed in their minds over and over through the years that although sin is enjoyable for a season, it ends in destruction and heartbreak. My prayer is that the Truth of God’s Word will strengthen their hearts to stand fast, resist temptation and be faithful warriors of our heavenly King!

How Can We Prepare Our Children for Battle?

  • Teach Our Children to Obey: If our children do not learn to obey us, they won’t learn to obey God. We must teach them that obedience brings blessings and disobedience brings consequences. We do not do this with a lording spirit, seeking to control their every attitude and action. We do this with a heart full of the love, compassion and grace God has shown to us. Because we love them and want the best for them, we teach obedience and correct them when they disobey.
  • Teach Our Children the Word of God: How did Christ fight against Satan’s temptations and attacks? He fought, and won, with the Word of God. The only way anyone can fight successfully is to put on the whole armor of God, and how can our children do that if they don’t know what the armor of God is? It is so important that we are teaching the the truths of the Bible. Deuteronomy goes as far as to say we are to be teaching it “when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Scripture should be so in our homes that it is found in all parts of our every day life. This is how you will raise mighty warriors.
  • Wrestle for the Souls of Our Children in Prayer: Think about how much you love your children. How much more do you think their heavenly Father loves them? He created them. He knew and loved them before you were aware of their existence! He wants them to be victorious in this earthly life. He wants them to live a life of abundance and joy! In His perfect wisdom and plan, He has given your children to you. If you follow Him and seek His guidance, He promises to equip us with all we need to raise our children in accordance to His will. I don’t know about you, but I desperately need that wisdom! 2020 has presented us with so many challenges. I want to be pursuing Christ and His wisdom as though I were searching for fine gold and rubies (Proverbs 3:13-15). As I become more like Him and gain His wisdom, I want to impart that to my children so that they can continue in His paths of life.

Can I just be real. I cried writing this post. I don’t want to have a need to raise soldiers. I don’t want to think about battles they might face one day. And I really don’t want to let my mind wander to thoughts of them getting hurt, set back or possibly even defeated. I want a world filled with joy and blessings. Yet because of man’s desire to choose sin over God, that is not the world my children get.

Is There Any Hope?

YES!!! We are on the winning side! If we persevere, will will reap an eternal reward. The world our children will face will be filled with darkness, battles and difficulty, but take heart! As the songwriter wrote, “This world is not our home. We’re just passing through.” May we be as Abraham, “For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Hebrews 11:10. The trials of this world are just a minute clip in our life’s story and the stories of our children. Be not discouraged weary warrior. Take courage, Christ has won the battle! Gird up your loins, encourage your heart in Him and raise those precious babies to be strong soldiers for the Lord. Train them to obey and to love God’s Word. Be their greatest advocate as they fight, to them personally and to God as you bring them before His throne in prayer.

It is my prayer and heart’s desire that this article does not leave you feeling discouraged. Instead, I hope it encourages you with the hope of the glorious future that awaits those who love the Lord. But I also hope it challenges you see the spirit of anti-Christ at work in this world, and to determine to do your part to influence the next generation to be steadfast and unmovable as they battle for Jesus!

*Several of the thoughts and statements you’ll find in this article are taken from the talk my friend and mentor, Denise Palmer, gave in our Mother’s Heritage Bible study.

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