featured – No Higher Calling https://nohighercalling.org Encouraging women to pursue Christlikeness and equipping them to pass truth to the next generation Wed, 02 Oct 2024 04:27:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://nohighercalling.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Untitled-design-1-150x150.png featured – No Higher Calling https://nohighercalling.org 32 32 Finding Time to Read as a Busy Mom https://nohighercalling.org/finding-time-to-read-as-a-busy-mom/ https://nohighercalling.org/finding-time-to-read-as-a-busy-mom/#comments Sat, 17 Feb 2024 03:22:26 +0000 https://nohighercalling.org/?p=1410 It doesn’t take knowing me long to figure out that I LOVE books. From The Culdesac Kids, to Nancy Drew, to young adult distopians (ugh, embarrased to admit this phase!), to marriage and motherhood, I’ve had books piling on my nightstand since my earliest memories. There’s no experience quite like losing yourself in the pages of a book. My person has been shaped by much of what I have read throughout the years. I believe I am a better person because of it!

A question I get asked ALL the time is, “How do you read so many books?” To be honest, I don’t feel like I do! I have friends that read WAY more than I do, and I know how many times I choose other things over reading. But I have formed habits that allow me to keep moving forward towards achieving my book goals. I’ve set a reading challenge over the past few years, and 50 books a year seems to be my sweet spot. This presents enough of a challenge all while giving me wiggle room for life.

“50 books?!” you ask in wonder. Yes, 50 (and I secretly have a goal to blow way past that!) How do I make it happen? In the midst of ministry life, mothering 5 littles, homeschooling, and more, how do I carve out the time to devote to something I love? If we get to the most foundational part of this answer, it is because I truly do LOVE reading. I make it a priority (more on that in a bit). Now, I have other priorities that come long before reading. But when the day draws to a close, and I find myself with a few minutes to myself, reading is what I choose.

Here are several ways I, as a busy wife and mama, have made time for reading:

“The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision.” -James Clear, Atomic Habits

If you desire to create a new habit, you simply need to start! Make a decision that you are going to commit to reading more. This is a commitment you might have to renew, or at least remind yourself of, often. The more you work to make reading a habitual rhythm of your life, the more it will weave itself into the fabric of your days.

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says the best way to form a new habit is to habit stack. That means if you are wanting to make something new a habit, attach it to a habit you already have established in your life. This will look different for every person and every schedule. My reading times are often connected to my devotional time or my quiet afternoon time. My husband and I have also created a habit of wrapping up all loose ends with work and home by 9pm, then we spend the rest of the evening together. Sometimes, this time is spent playing a board game, but it is often spent reading. We enjoy reading a book aloud together as well as individually reading and sharing key quotes and thoughts as we do.

There are a million different ways you can set a reading goal. My favorite is challenge myself to read a chapter each day. You are always welcome to read more than that, but one chapter each day lets you read about 30 chapters each month. Most books range from 10-15 chapters. That puts you reading 2-3 books each month which comes to 24-36 books in a year!

When you analyze your day, you’ll find that there are pockets of time scattered all throughout! At least I found that to be true. In a busy culture that avoids boredom at all costs, I’ve found sometimes it is good to just be. But there are other times where I can use the empty pockets for something worthwhile.

Some empty pockets I found as I examined my days…

-When I’m taking a shower (turn your phones volume up and listen to an audiobook)

-When I’m waiting at an appointment- hair, doctor, chiropractor. (tip: always have a book in your purse/diaper bag!)

-When I’m waiting on my grocery pick up order

-When I’m driving in the car (audiobook here, not physical! Be safe!)

-When I’m blow drying my hair (pop in an ear bud and listen to an audiobook)

“We make time for what we feel is important to us. If you haven’t made time for it, it’s because you haven’t convinced yourself that it’s important enough.”

This can be tough to acknowledge, but it is true. We make time for what is important to us. If your marriage is a priority, you’ll make time to connect with your spouse. If your relationship with God is a priority, you’ll make time to spend reading His Word and praying. If reading is a priority, you’ll give up _______________ (insert social media, TV, etc) to make time for books.

Reading isn’t a priority for everyone, and that’s ok! (I mean, I’ll try to understand that choice, but my personality will make it difficult. Wink!) If you do find it a priority, find the time. It doesn’t have to be a top priority; it shouldn’t be! Many things come before this area of my life. But it is much higher on the list than other things, so high that it is often some part of my day.

A blessing to the life of a busy woman who wants to read more are audiobooks! I mentioned above several times throughout the day when I try to use pockets of time wisely by listening to audiobooks. Below are a few other times when I utilize audiobooks.

-While I’m preparing dinner

-While I’m tidying the house after the kids go to bed

-While doing evening chores

My oldest, Eden, LOVES when I let her stay up late and listen to an audiobook with me while we do chores together. She thinks it’s great because she gets to stay up late. I think it’s great because I get bonding time with her all while teaching her how to take care of the home and family. It’s an added bonus that we get inside conversations and jokes from the books we read together!)

-During afternoon quiet time

From 1:30-3:00pm, we have quiet time at our house. The little ones take a nap while the older ones read or do a quiet activity. If I have homemaking tasks to catch up on, I turn on my audiobook. Sometimes, Eden and I will relax together and get in a few more chapters of the book we are listening to together.

These are a few different ways I have found time to read as a busy mom. Even implementing one of these things will give you more margin to make reading a part of your life! I would love to hear from you. How do you find time to read? Which of these ideas was most helpful?

Happy reading, friends!

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The BEST Birthday Gifts for Children https://nohighercalling.org/the-best-birthday-gifts-for-children/ https://nohighercalling.org/the-best-birthday-gifts-for-children/#respond Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:44:53 +0000 https://nohighercalling.org/?p=741 Gift Ideas for Children Ages 1-8


On this episode of the No Higher Calling podcast, I share our family’s birthday celebrations and traditions. I also mentioned some of our favorite gifts we’ve bought or received for our children. Below you’ll find a listing of all the links mentioned on the episode.


What gifts from my list do you think your child would enjoy? I’d love to hear what toys and books have been favorites in your home! Comment below!

*Amazon links are afflilate links. As an Amazon influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!!

https://nohighercalling.org/the-best-birthday-gifts-for-children/feed/ 0
Answering Your Questions about Great Hymns for Growing Hearts https://nohighercalling.org/answering-your-questions-about-great-hymns-for-growing-hearts/ Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:23:54 +0000 https://nohighercalling.org/answering-your-questions-about-great-hymns-for-growing-hearts/ Answering questions about my book, Great Hymns for Growing Hearts


This book was birthed from a mother’s heart who wants her children to love truth. We could sing and learn hymns, connecting the ears and the lips. I want more than that. I want them to heart he words, have the message take deep root in their hearts, and have their lips overflow in praise from a passionate love for their Savior.

I have presented the hymns in this book to go beyond words and music. I want readers to dig into the messages of the songs and to discover more about our great God. When we explore all the aspects of truth in the words of hymns, it will enable us to worship and praise God on a deeper level. Hymn singing will become more than our lips moving in a familiar motion to a recognized tune. It will be an expression of adoration as our heart meditates on the truths learned and worships the One who embodies those truths.

After months of having this project on my heart, it is a joy to announce that it is available for purchase! You can order your copy here.

As I launched the book on social media, I received several questions about the book and it’s intended use. I wanted to be sure to address each of those so that you can glimpse the potential that this book can have as you seek to raise the next generation for Christ!


  • What is Great Hymns for Growing Hearts?

    • This book is a hymn study for parents and teachers to use great hymns of the faith to teach doctrinal truth and the character of God to children.

  • Is this a book or a resource?
    • I have written it to be a resource. This is not a book that you will read one time, and then put on a shelf. You will pour over this study time and again as you mine the truths from Scripture that these hymns present.

  • Is it curriculum for schools?
    • While we have many who are using this resource in Christian schools, it is not curriculum. There are no worksheets included. It is more of a study. It was primarily designed for home and family use, but I have provided suggestions on how to adapt it to be used in a school our group setting.

  • What Bible translation is used?
    • All Scripture is from the King James Version.

  • What part does Christ-honoring music play in the home?
    • Music is a powerful tool that can create a specific atmosphere in the home. When Christ-honoring music is played, it allows for us to have a home where beauty and truth are intricately woven into the fabric of our family.

  • What ages is this geared towards?
    • I believe that I have written this in a way that makes it adaptable to any age group, but the targeted age would be mid-elementary through high school. Depending on the age of your children, you will have to determine what portions to give more emphasis to. Young children will enjoy the stories behind the writing of the hymns. Older children will be able to have deeper discussions as you work through the Heart Application and Deeper Dive section.

  • Is this just for families?
    • No! This would be a wonderful resource for Christian schools, children’s choirs, youth groups, Sunday school classes, and more!

  • Is there a discount code for pastors or Christian school leaders placing a bulk order?
    • Yes! Email me at nohighercallingpodcast@gmail.com with your church/school name and the number of copies you need to purchase, and I can send you a discount code to use!

  • Can an adult glean from this if they are not using it to teach children?
    • Yes! This study has been so enriching to my life and walk with Christ. It has given my worship and praise a greater depth. It is written for adults to use to teach to children, so you will notice that in the style of writing, especially in the story behind the hymn and the questions in the Heart Application section. But an adult can definitely benefit from this study.

  • What hymns are included?
    • 1. Amazing Grace

    • 2. Day by Day

    • 3.Jesus Paid It All

    • 4. God Leads Us Along

    • 5. It Is Well

    • 6. Near the Cross

    • 7. Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus

    • 8. Here is Love

    • 9. Come Thou Fount

    • 10. All The Way My Savior Leads Me

    • 11. I Must Tell Jesus

    • 12. God Will Take Care of You

  • Do you offer international shipping?
    • Yes! The cost will be more than US shipping, but it is available!

  • Will this be a series?
    • We’ll see what God has in store for the future, but let’s just say I have really big dreams!!

  • How is each hymn study laid out?
    • It is intended that a week be spent studying through each hymn, so the book will give you 12 weeks worth of hymn study. Each hymn study is divided into 5 days.

      Day 1: Introduce the hymn and Scripture memory verse. Read through the words of the hymn and begin learning to sing it.

      Day 2: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Read “The Story Behind the Hymn” section.

      Day 3: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Read the “What Does This Hymn Teach Us About God?” section.

      Day 4: Practice saying the Scripture memory verse and sing through the hymn. Go through the Heart application sections.

      Day 5: Aim to quote the Scripture memory verse and sing the hymn from memory. Read the “Deeper Dive” section.

  • What are the different parts of the Heart Application section?
    • Question and Answer: Questions taken directly from the words of the hymn, the hymn story, and the character of God section. Each question will have a specific, easy to find answer.

    • Conversation Staters: These questions are to incite open-ended discussions. There is no right or wrong answer for these. The purpose is to get children to a higher level of thinking as they meditate on the message of the hymn through the lends of Scripture.

    • A Glimpse into God’s Word: Open your Bibles and discover truth together! I provide Scripture passages to get you started, but you will read through them and go through the Bible study questions on your own.

  • What do I hope Great Hymns for Growing Hearts will accomplish?
    • I believe that teaching hymns in the way presented in this book can have a life-changing impact on the hearts and futures of our children. As we lay a foundation of truth and a knowledge about who God, this will provide a bedrock that God can use in our children’s lives today and every day til Jesus comes!
