Hear my reviews on the No Higher Calling Podcast!

Family Worship


Donald Whitney

Every Christian family should read this book!

“Consistent, father-led family worship is one of the best, steadiest, and most easily measurable ways to bring up children in the Lord’s “discipline and instruction.”

This book walks through the importance of family worship throughout the Bible and history, laying a strong foundation for its importance. It then moves into practical suggestions on how to make family worship a part of your home.

Look for the episode titled Family Worship released on the NHC podcast on 1/16/23 for a more in depth look at the contents of the book.


On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: The Wingfeather Saga, Book 1


Andrew Peterson

Since there are four books in this series, I decided to give a review on the complete series as opposed to the individual books.

-Captivating storyline

-Clean content (a few references to young boy humor)

-Suggested reading age: 9/10+ (There were some intense themes throughout the books, that my younger children would find scary such as children being taken from their parents, deformed creatures in the woods, a haunted manor, etc. The fourth book was definitely the scariest as it gave the origin story behind the antagonist.)


North! Or Be Eaten: The Wingfeather Saga, Book 2


Andrew Peterson


The Monster in the Hollows: The Wingfeather Saga, Book 3


Andrew Peterson


The Warden and the Wolf King: The Wingfeather Saga, Book 4


Andrew Peterson


Everyday Confetti


Karen Ehman & Glynnis Whitwer

A fun guide to making life a celebration! The author moves from holidays, to birthdays, to special days giving ideas on how you can make memorable traditions with your family.


Holy Hygge


Jamie Erickson

The word “hygge” comes from the Danish people. It has no English equivalent, but it has the idea of comfort, contentment, and coziness. The author challenges the reader to slow down and look for the beauty in life. In doing this, you find yourself creating an atmosphere in your home where souls are refreshed and gospel opportunities happen.


Own Your Life


Sally Clarkson

“From the moment we take our first breaths, our days are numbered, so how we live matters. The decisions we make- the important ones and, yes, the mundane ones too- they all matter. Everyday decisions add up to form the life we live and the legacy we leave behind.”

Challenging book encouraging us to find the purpose God created us for and then to pursue it with passion.


Praying Over Your Homeschool


Stacie Loughrin

“Homeschooling is not just about academics, but about nurturing the whole person and instilling in them a love for God and a desire to serve Him. And prayer is a crucial component of this calling.”

This book was a powerful reminder to intentionally pray over our homeschooling.


The Four-Hour School Day


Durenda Wilson

“The most important thing is that you enjoy the journey be engaging with your kids and creating an environment that encourages lifelong learning by providing a warm, loving, safe, secure family life.”

Durenda Wilson, homeschool mom of 8, shares wonderful insight into the beauty of home education and how your children can thrive in their learning.


Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime


Janet & Geoff Benge

“Oh God, here’s my Bible. Here’s my money. Here’s me. Use me, God.”

The Christian Heroes: Then & Now series is GOLD! My husband read this as a read aloud to our whole family, and we are all blessed by it. I find my children playing “Gladys”, and it makes me smile. It’s people like Gladys that I want my children to admire and pattern their lives after!


Is Your Marriage a Priority?


Heather Helmering

“Your marriage becoming the best it can be ALWAYS starts with YOU!”

This book covers so many important topics and issues in marraige all from a biblical perspective. My takeaway from this book was the personal responsibility I have to grow in Christlikeness as a wife.

Heather writes, “If your spouse’s spiritual battles depended on your prayer and fasting, would they get the victory?” Challenging thoughts encouraging you to be the wife/husband God desires you to be.


The Whole and Healthy Family


Jodi Mockabee

Jodi Mockabee walks you step-by-step through different areas of life sharing wisdom on how we can thrive. She covers areas such as spiritual growth, health and natural wellness, family activities, reading together, etc. This was SUCH a helpful resource!




Lara Casey

“…often we don’t like the idea of slowing down, because it sounds unproductive. But we risk missing something far more valuable than our productivity in keeping at a hurried pace: life. Real life. Meaningful, rich, cultivated life.”

This book spoke to my heart! I was challenged to slow down, embrace life, and grow where I am planted. I was also challenged to start a garden! The book is full of gardening illustrations, and it has me dreaming of all we’ll plant in the spring.


Modern Miss Mason


Leah Boden

A beautiful, inspiring call to educate children as whole people. Leah Boden captures the ideals of Charlotte Mason for the current generation as she celebrates the use of nature study, living books, and narration into the rhythms of school and motherhood.


When People Are Big and God Is Small


Edward T. Welch

If you struggle with people-pleasing, this book is for you! God used the truths in this book to convict my heart. Caring too much about what others think of me is a struggle of mine, and this book gave Scripture principles to be free from the pursuit of gaining the acceptance of others and striving only for the acceptance of God.
