If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that our family LOVES books! Reading makes it’s way into almost every aspect of our life. Read-alouds are a large part of our homeschooling. Someone asked that I share the books we read this school year. I thought it was a wonderful idea!

I read many books to the kids during the day- board books, picture books, educational books, and more! I won’t take time to list all of those because the list would be too vast. I will say that Amelia Bedelia and Frog & Toad are our current favorite reads. Our main read-alouds during Eden’s Kindergarten year were The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh by A. A. Milne and Aesop’s Fables. The rest of the read-alouds I’ll mention in this post are ones that Simeon read to the kids.

Daddy is in charge of the bedtime routine at our house. It gives me time to put the baby to bed and tidy up the house. It also gives him a very special, focused time to bond with the kids. He use to make up stories for the kids every night, but in the past 6 months, the kids have been requesting some chapter books. Bedtime seemed like the perfect opportunity to read through those. So, most of the books I’ll mention in this post, I have not read. I’ve heard our littles re-tell the stories to me. I’ve heard the giggles tumbling out of their bedroom as daddy creatively voiced all the characters. I’ve heard them talk about these characters as though they were now a part of our family. So, I feel as though I have read the books, but the credit goes to my awesome man. The ratings and review for the books are his.

Afternoon tea while reading


The Complete Tales of Winnie-The-Pooh by A. A. Milne- 5 Stars: We LOVE Winnie-the-Pooh! It was Simeon’s favorite as a kid, so he was going to make sure it was our children’s favorites as well. We have actually assigned the characters to our family based on personality. I’ll let you guess who’s who!

The Illustrated Stories of Aesop by Usborne Books: 5 Stars: This opened some great conversations about character qualities. Eden went through a phase of giving a moral to every story she told.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary- 5 Stars: This was the kid’s first chapter book, and they were in love!

My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett- 5 Stars: This was the kid’s favorite read-aloud with daddy. There were so many giggles throughout this story!

McBroom’s Wonderful One Acre Farm by Sid Fleischman- 4 Stars: This was short and sweet, but the kids really enjoyed it.

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White- 5 Stars: We actually did this one on audio book, and we listened to it many times. So much so that the kids started calling pigs “Wilburs”!

Homer Price by Robert McCloskey- 3 Stars: First, if you click the Amazon link, you’ll quickly realize that we did NOT buy this book. We got it from the library. Apparently, it is out of print, hence the reason it’s almost $200! This has been Sim and the kids least favorite read-aloud. It’s not bad, it’s just not as good as others.

So there you have it! Our read-alouds for Eden’s Kindergarten year. I’ve already started outlining the read-alouds to get us through the end of 2021. I’d love to hear what your family favorites are! Feel free to share them in the comments.