Hear me share about this quarter’s books on the No Higher Calling podcast.

Bucket List Family Travel


Jessica Gee

Be warned! This book will give you the travel bug! Most of the places and experiences mentioned will never be in our budget, but it’s free to dream! It felt like we had a tour of the world just flipping through the many gorgeous photos throughout this book. I enjoyed this read so much!




Nova McBee

This is the second book in the series. I really enoyed the first book (mentioned in last quarter’s blog post), but I didn’t enjoy this one nearly as much. It felt very “young adult” in it’s themes. There was a lot of boy drama, etc. It also lacked the intrigue element that the first book had.

*Discalimer: I wouldn’t recommed this book because of the strong young adult drama elements throughout.


The Silver Chair


C. S. Lewis

Our family has been working through the Narnia series during our read-aloud time. While Eustace and Jill aren’t our favorite human characters, we loved Puddleglum!


Love Without Borders


Angela Braniff

I started out really enjoying the author’s adoption stories, but I wound up not like this book much. Several reasons- 1. I was so disappointed in the author’s (a professing Christian) use of curse words. 2. I disagree on the author’s moral stance regarding IVF. 3. As the book went along, it seemed as though the family was very wife-led. She says that God would speak to her, she would inform her husband, and then she’d move forward on a decision and kind of pull him along behind. While I feel that a wife definitely has a say in decisions, and in many cases a husband leaves certain decisions soley to the wife, there were major, life-altering decisions that she was leading in.

*Disclaimer: I wouldn’t recommend reading this book for the above-mentioned reasons.


Little Women


Louisa May Alcott

There are no words! Why did it take me 32 years to read this classic? I fell in love with this story, and it might be my favorite book ever! My oldest daughter and I listsened to it on audio. We laughed with the March girls, and we cried with them. We watched as they transformed from little girls to little women. We learned from the struggles and growing pains that came along with that transition. These provided beautiful opportunities for me to speak into the heart of my little woman. I plan to read this with all my girls again and again!


Family Driven Faith


Voddie Baucham

Simeon and I listened to this book on Audible a few years back and gleaned so much from it. I decided to buy a hard copy so I could read it again and highlight and take notes. Baucham provides biblical insight into the crisis of coming generations leaving the faith and how we, as parents, can stand in the gap and fight for the souls of our children.


Mere Motherhood


Cindy Rollins

There were parts of this book that I really enjoyed. I loved the author’s reflections and wisdom regarding “morning time.” This was a time when she would gather all her children, and they would begin their school day with the Bible, hymns, and read-alouds. Overall though, it was an average book.

Disclaimer: I was disappointed with the author’s use of a curse word or two.


Twelve Extraordinary Women


John MacArthur

I have studied women of the Bible for over a decade, and yet God always has more to learn from these women’s example. Some teach us through their faith, others teach us from their mistakes. Again and again we see God’s redemptive power through the lives or ordinary women who He used to do extraordinary things!

*Disclaimer: I DO NOT agree with John MacArthur’s beliefs regarding calvinism and reformed theology.


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